Apply to be Interim Manager My availability

You have decided you want to work as an Interim Manager.

Chanco & Co is happy to help you establish the necessary contacts and to accompany your career adventure. Our approach is transparent and enables you to have a direct and self-controlled relationship with “your” client. We are working directly and exclusively with our clients in order to ensure efficient communication and appropriate selection processes.

To be an Interim Manager, you should have at a minimum, the following professional experience:

  • Having worked with at least three different organizations, making you capable of understand what is “exportable” and not
  • Having at least 10 years experience working in a Management function
  • Demonstrated flexibility in the workplace and
  • Consider yourself an independent and self-sufficient manager.

Chanco and Co’s clients ar looking for managers who are problem-solvers, and can handle :

  • projects where experience or time is needed;
  • business-model transition during critical or trying periods; or
  • organizational or department crisis or difficulties.

Are you interested ? Please apply here to be an Interim Manager or update your availaibility

Apply to be Interim Manager My availability